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Annually, 15 million peopleworldwide suffer a stroke.

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, leading to damage or death of brain cells. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Strokes can result in serious and lasting consequences, such as paralysis, speech difficulties, and cognitive impairments. It is a significant health concern worldwide, emphasizing the importance of awareness, prevention, and prompt medical intervention.


The Stroke

Stroke Takes Center Stage as the EU's Second Leading Cause of Death and Prime Contributor to Adult Disability 


Despite its prevalence, strokes are often misunderstood, and their consequences can be devastating. The impact extends beyond the individual to their families and communities. As we delve into the intricate web of stroke statistics in the EU, the urgency to prioritize public health initiatives becomes clear. By fostering a collective commitment to education and proactive healthcare measures, we can strive to mitigate the profound effects of strokes on both individuals and society at large.


MRI Scan Image

(1) Tsao, C. W., Aday, A. W., Almarzooq, Z. I., Anderson, C. A. M., Arora, P., Avery, C. L., Baker-Smith, C. M., Beaton, A. Z., Boehme, A. K., Buxton, A. E., Commodore-Mensah, Y., Elkind, M. S. V., Evenson, K. R., Eze-Nliam, C., Fugar, S., Generoso, G., Heard, D. G., Hiremath, S., Ho, J. E., & Kalani, R. (2023). Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2023 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation, 147(8). (2) Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, August 2). Learn About Stroke. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. .

The Stroke

The global impact of strokes is becoming increasingly alarming, with recent data showing a 50% rise in the lifetime risk of stroke over the past 17 years, affecting 1 in 4 people worldwide


In the European Union alone, over a million strokes occurred in 2017, resulting in nearly half a million deaths and causing over 7 million years of disability.


The Numbers

Decoding the Impact: Unveiling the Numbers Behind Strokes in the European Union


The Numbers

(1) Tsao, C. W., Aday, A. W., Almarzooq, Z. I., Anderson, C. A. M., Arora, P., Avery, C. L., Baker-Smith, C. M., Beaton, A. Z., Boehme, A. K., Buxton, A. E., Commodore-Mensah, Y., Elkind, M. S. V., Evenson, K. R., Eze-Nliam, C., Fugar, S., Generoso, G., Heard, D. G., Hiremath, S., Ho, J. E., & Kalani, R. (2023). Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2023 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation, 147(8). ‌ (2) Wafa, H. A., Wolfe, C. D. A., Emmett, E., Roth, G. A., Johnson, C. O., & Wang, Y. (2020). Burden of stroke in europe. Stroke, 51(8), 2418–2427. (3) Cardiovascular diseases statistics - Statistics Explained. (n.d.). Language selection | European Commission.

Infographic representing the stroke's burden in Europe and globally.
The Solutions

Stroke recovery involves a comprehensive approach, including physical, occupational, and speech therapy, along with medications and lifestyle adjustments. Emotional support and counseling are crucial for addressing the psychological impact. However, stroke recovery often grapples with non-tailored and generalized treatment plans, reflecting a systemic challenge in providing individualized care. The conventional rehabilitation approach may fall short in addressing the unique needs of each stroke patient due to the lack of resources and personalized attention for the diverse array of cases.


Introducing Braining, an AI and VR platform revolutionizing stroke rehabilitation. By combining artificial intelligence and virtual reality, Braining provides personalized and engaging experiences, adapting to each patient's progress. This innovative solution addresses the limitations of non-tailored treatment plans, offering a holistic approach to both physical and cognitive recovery. Braining fills the gap in care and stimulation often lacking in traditional methods, representing a promising advancement in stroke rehabilitation.


The Solutions.

Transforming Stroke Rehabilitation: Bridging the Gap with Braining


Physical Therapy

(1) Schulz, P. (2007a). Effects of virtual reality intervention on neural plasticity in stroke rehabilitation: A systematic review. Chronobiology in Psychiatry, 9(3), 237–255. (2) Schulz, P. (2007b). Guidelines for the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke. Chronobiology in Psychiatry, 9(3), 237–255. (3) Treatment. (n.d.). NHLBI, NIH.,hours%20after%20stroke%20symptoms%20start.

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